Monday, October 20, 2008

Grand Pa's Turn

The one and only Grandpa Walker comes to Palmdale to swoon Gloria!
Straight from the land of micro brewries and bratwurst Gloria's Grandpa Jim came to introduce himself to his third granddaughter.
We cannot get over how calm this gentle giant made her when she was in his arms(not a peep). Notice that he didn't even need the boppy for support. but what the kicker was when he sang his patented song "Signifying Monkey" which then prompted the rest of us in the room to break out in dance.

Even though the picture doesn't show it Gloria kept grinning.

These grandparents have magical powers ( not a peep when they are around but the minute they leave.....DRAMA)

Along with her grandfather's visit , her Auntie TT and Uncle JP visited with Gloria's (22) month old cousin Hana


It was so sweet watching Hana want to help out with gloria who knew she was so maternal

Yummy Yummy!!!

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