Monday, January 19, 2009

Well it's been a while but were back. A lot has happened since our last posting, we moved, got snowed in for a few days and this little holiday called Christmas came around.

Gloria was all smiles Christmas day as if she knew what was really going on. Especially the Lil pony that she got.

Well maybe not to comfortable with it yet.

Over the past few weeks she has been quite the chatter box which is I find hilarious because she has these tones that sounds like she has a lot on her mind.

Around this same time Lil lady bug caught a cold and she was to say the least Pissed!!!!!!!

The heater broke in our new home needless to say with temperatures in the teens and a few inches of snow...yes snow in the area.....

Christmas day was spent in the urgent care just for some medicine...

With some great penicillin Lil ladybug has come back with a vengeance,

Oh and by the way it's official she's a Trojan after she watched the New Years day game with her daddy...

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