Sunday, November 2, 2008

Life at six weeks old

I See You!!!
Life at six weeks has started to get a little busy for Miss Gloria. She is starting to spend a lot more time awake (especially at night)...
She still hates bright lights as you can see by this picture Bernice took. But she will have staring contest that you will not win because you will have to blink. A very positive note is that she is very well behaved in public. Bernice on a few occasions has had to take Gloria to the bank for a few hours and she has been the perfect little angel. Maternity leave is coming to an end and it sucks for both of her Parents. Dad has already returned for work and I can't finish work fast enough to get home and see my ladies.
We are starting to get a feel for her telling us what position makes her more comfortable for instance there is the "Boppie"
Then there is the big blanket wrap on the couch,

And then her favorite the "Don't you dare think you can put me in a swing and think you can multitask" cradle!

Yes life at six weeks is heaven. We will have more soon as life is getting a little hectic for all of us in the house, but we promise to keep it up...